Kemper Durand Memphis (Sep) Current Situation of Abston

Scroll down to the Kemper Durand Tennessee article to learn more about the significance of the incident in today’s scenario.

Are you familiar with Kemper Durand’s story? Are you curious as to why the news about Kemper Durand is being circulated in the media? Want to know more about this incident? Read the entire article and find out what happened to the man.

After hearing Eliza Fletcher’s kidnapping news, people in the United States are shocked. The suspect was convicted decades ago of abducting Kemper durand Memphis.

What happened to Kemper Durand, Memphis

Kemper Durand was a well-known Memphis attorney who was forced to use his ATM by a gunman in 2000. Durand called for help, and the armed officers arrived. The perpetrator fled the scene after seeing the armed officers.

The gunman was later identified. Cleotha Absston was the name of this criminal, and she was convicted. She tried to kidnap Durand. Durand died on February 13, 2013. Recent events such as the kidnapping and murder of Eliza Fletcher have raised questions among the public about the reasons for this situation.

What is the Most Aggravated Kidnapping

According to the Tennessee Code, Kidnapping is a serious offense. The code also includes the definition of Aggravated kidnapping. These are the situations that fall under Aggravated Kidnapping

  • If the victim believed the weapon was fatal or the abduction occurred using deadly weapons.
  • This type of incident occurred when a child was under 13.
  • If the victim is hurt by the incident.
  • Finally, the ransom must be paid.

A person convicted of any of the above must be held in prison for between 15 and 60 years. We have now discussed What Is Particularly Aggravated Kidnapping.

Current Situation of Abston

Cleotha Abston was held for 20 years in prison for abducting Kemper Durand. According to sources, Abston was again arrested in the Eliza Fletcher matter.

Detail Incident by Eliza Fletcher

Eliza, a kindergarten teacher and mother to two children, was found missing while out jogging on September 2. The husband complained to the police station.

The investigation revealed that Abston had been abducted from her car by a man. These videos allow police to identify Abston.

Why is Kemper Durand, Memphis What’s Hot In News

It’s very natural to wonder why the 2000 abduction is suddenly in fashion in the news. It was obvious that Kemper Durand was abducted in 2000 and Eliza Fletcher was abducted by Abston. The news about Kemper Durand is now widely circulated.

Note – All details were taken from reliable internet sources.


We discovered that Kemper Durand (2000) and Fletcher Eliza were abducted by the same person, Abston. We are grateful Kemper Durand Memphis has been identified as the criminal in earlier cases and in more recent cases.

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