Ecochip Scam (Today updates) – the positive reviews?

You might have seen an advertisement online for Ecochip fuel saver. Ecochip can be a real product that reduces fuel consumption. This Ecochip OBD2 review will cover everything you need to know.

FTC reports online shopping and negative reviews as the second most prevalent fraud category in 2021. We take responsibility for reviewing websites and products. We are responsible for the financial safety of our readers.

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Ecochip: Legit Gas Saver? Or Scam?

According to the website, the gadget will cut fuel consumption between 15% and 30%. Our research has shown that this claim is false. The following contradictions are apparent.

  • It is simply junk that has been recycled numerous times. The product was first introduced to the marketplace in 2017. It was called Ecofuel. However, it didn’t do zero as Ecochip.
  • These sites purchase generic OBD2 fuels and savers from China in large volumes for as low as $3 per unit. They can also design their own packaging, and resell them at $40 per piece.
  • These OBD2 fuel savers are frauds even though they are packaged differently and sold under different labels. Ecotune and EcoBox.

Eco Chip has no effect on fuel consumption. It was made to make money, let’s not lie. It is a magnet that you attach to your fuel lines. The chip will not align fuel molecules before they reach its fuel injectors. It’s expensive and uses an LED flasher.

Eco Chip OBD2 actually reduces fuel consumption

OBD2 units are not working, despite the positive reviews. The EcoMax Plug &Drive OBD2 unit was a waste. It doesn’t even come with a drive to store CAM.

A second problem is that the unit does NOT have an OBD link. Only the power supply to the flasher is connected. Redesigning your car is necessary to achieve these claims. Cars use fuel differently depending on their vehicle weight, size, rolling resistance, friction in the moving parts and tire size. These are the fundamental elements that cannot be altered by plug-and play.

Energy.GOV provides a variety of fuel-saving strategies. They include how to combine trips, reduce your car’s size, maintain a clean car and avoid aggressive driving.

While each tip may not seem very significant, when combined they make a big impact on fuel savings.

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