Is Tenfendy Legit {Aug} Have a look at these drawbacks:

Are you looking for information about legitimacy? Are you looking for more information about their policies and reviews?

You have reached the right place. We have the perfect article for your needs. This website will be judged by all valid information. This website was created in the United States, and is accessible worldwide. To learn more about the website’s reliability, read Is Tenfendy Legit. Let’s start with the most important points.

What is the most important information you need to know about the legitimacy and credibility of this website?

We’ve gathered the most relevant information on this website. This section contains all of the information you need. Shopping is easy thanks to the policy’s accessibility and the portal’s privacy terms. This section will provide information about the trustworthiness of this website and its ranking on different platforms. Let’s continue.

  • This website has numerous bad Tenfendy Review, making it a fraud. Before you make a purchase from this portal, we recommend that you read all information.
  • This website is new and functional. It was last updated on February 20, 2022. This website has been functional for less than a year.
  • This ranking is extremely poor in terms of trustworthiness. We found a rating of 1%.
  • Although the email address is listed on the site’s leading website, we are unable to find a valid contact number for the destination. To verify Is Tenfendy Legit Below , please see the specification section. We have not been able to find any privacy policies. There is only one option that isn’t working.
  • The website contains a link that will take you to several social media platforms.
  • The website’s design is very unattractive. Also, the collection is quite average. This website is not different than other websites.
  • You can get free shipping if you spend more than the limit.
  • You can choose to view frequently asked questions but it is not functional.

This website

Tenfendy sells apparel for women; you can find more information in Is Tenfendy Legit . You will find a variety of products such as cardigans, tops, and tees on the website. Shipping to different countries is possible through the website. The next section lists the payment options.


  • The official link of this website is
  • The site became functional on 02/20/2022
  • The domain will expire 02/20/2023
  • We are unable to confirm the authenticity of the content on the website.
  • There is no contact number on the website.
  • The email address to contact is
  • is linked to Instagram and Facebook
  • The address of the office is Kentesh Limited Signature-15 street Helens Place London-EC3A6DQ.
  • This website has many negative reviews. Read the Is Tenfendy Legit review.
  • This website has an Alexa rank 8066317
  • Shipping policy not available
  • There is no information about the return policy
  • There is no order tracking.
  • Purchases over 30 dollars qualify for free shipping
  • Payments can be made via Mastercard or debit card, PayPal, credit card, or bank card.

These are some of the benefits of this website:

  • HTTPS encryption protects the website.
  • Website requires valid email address.
  • Free delivery

Have a look at these drawbacks:

  • There is no contact information
  • The website does not contain any policy information.
  • The website does not provide order tracking or other details.

What are Tenfendy customer reviews? Is this website genuine?

We found many negative reviews of the website. The website also doesn’t provide any information regarding shipping policies or other details. This increases the chance of being scammed and the consumer must pay the shipping charges before shipment. If you are a victim of fraud, How To Get Money From Paypal.


Overall, this website looks suspicious. This website is considered more fraudulent due to the lack of data and reviews. We are not saying that this website is a scammer. However, it could be dangerous to invest your money there. This is not just the collection of clothes. Get a full refund on credit card fraud.

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