Pumpkin Pie Cookie Toppings Build (Today Update) – with Toppings: Skill Information?

This Pumpkin Pie Cookie Toppings design features the best toppings to make a Pumpkin Pie Cookie in Cressicle. For more information on Pumpkin Pie Cookie Toppings, please read the following!

Pumpkin Pie Cookie recipe with toppings

  • X5 Searing Raspberry Toppers with DMG ResistSub Stats (Full-ATK Build with DMG Resist Sub Stats and more DMG).
  • X5 Solid Almond Toppers with CD/ATK Sub stats (Full tank build, Pompon and pumpkin pie will last longer).
  • X3 Solid Almond Toppings + 1 X2 Searing Raspberry (Balanced ATK/TANK Build).
  • X3 Searing Raspberry Toppings + 1×2 Solid Almond (Balanced ATK/Tank Building)

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Here is a detailed description of the Cookie Run kingdom Pumpkin Pie Cookie Toppings Building guide. The Pumpkin Pie Cookie unit, which summons the pompon, acts as a tank within the team. To increase survival rates, we recommend using Solid Almond Toppings to build Pumpkin Pie Cookies.

You can use X3 Solid Almond Toppings, X2 Searing Raspberry Toppers for Pumpkin Pie Cookies – this topping builds DMG Resistance as well as increases ATK. You can also choose X5 Solid Almond Topping with ATK Sub Stats. This builds a full tank and increases the survival of Pompon as well as Pumpkin Pie Cookie.

Pumpkin Pie Cookie’s DMG also works well. However, if you need this cookie to inflict even more DMG, an alternative Pumpkin Pie Cookie Toppings build is X5 Searing Raspberry, with DMG resistance substats. To achieve a balanced ATK/DMG Resist build you can use 3 searing raspberries toppings and 2 solid almond toppings.

Some players prefer to use X3 solid almond and X2 swift choco toppings.

Coverage of early updates;

NEW COOKIE! Pumpkin Pie Cookie is a Cookie character that was introduced in the Cookie Run Kingdom on October 26th, 2021. On Halloween, the cookie will be released. After testing the toppings for Pumpkin pie cookie, we will make an update to the topping build. For Pumpkin Pie Cookie, Swift Choco toppings or Searing Raspberry Toppings set seem to be the best.

Also, check out –

Make Pumpkin Pie Cookies with Toppings: Skill Info

  • Class, Magic
  • Name of skill; Pompon
  • Summons Pompon, 44.4% ATK with 188% DEF and 382.3% HP
  • Healing Received; -70% X3 Seconds
  • Pompon’s Strike ATK DMG 170%
  • ATK SPD +45% and Pompon active

Cookie Run Kingdom Pumpkin Cookie Skill Description. Pumpkin Pie Cookie’s Pompon grows to huge size, causing DMG. Giant Pompon causes melee area DMG to be increased by x3 enemies. Also, it applies a non stackable debuff that reduces the healing received by enemies. Giant Pompon increases ATK SPD on the battlefield for all allied summoned creatures.

Giant Pompon will be less likely to interrupt special attacks while performing their first attack. Pumpkin Pie Cookie can also use her first cooldown to get the skill faster. Pompon can resist certain interrupting effects.

Details of the Resistant Effects of Summoned Creatures; Taunt and Strike, Silence. Charm. And Skill Interruption.

Pumpkin Pie Cookie can be purchased through gacha/summons

This would be the end of this post about Pumpkin Pie Cookie Toppings Build (Cookie Run Kingdom).

Alos Read – Stand Upright Rebooted Wiki & Trello (Today Update) – More Details?

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