This news story on Daejhanae JacksonIg tells of the tragic tale of a businesswoman who was attacked while celebrating a holiday with her friends.
What did Daejhanae Jack do? Why is her name getting circulated over social media sites like Facebook? Are they the ones responsible for Shanquella’s demise? Shanquella Robinson, along with her friends, left for Mexico on 28th October 2022. Twenty-four hours after her departure, Robinson was found dead.
People Worldwide feel bad for the woman in charge and are shocked at the viral video of the incident. Let’s now look at this news post to see how Daejhanae Jackson was involved in the latest incident.
Disclaimer-We do not support any incidents. We provide facts and information about the incidents. Information has been gathered from credible media. Social media links have been shared. |
Was there a recent Daejhanae-Jackson Ig incident?
Footage of one of the companions (allegedly Daejhanae), thrashing Robinson before her tragic death hit the internet. Jackson’s image is being shared by others online.
The footage shows Shanquella being assaulted by a lady. The woman was accompanied by two other women who stayed in the same room as her. They captured the vicious assault on film.
Social networking handlers:
Robinson’s friends discovered their identities online and they are believed to have deleted the accounts of six of their friends on social media. Jackson’s Husband was not mentioned in detail. However, users on the internet posted a photograph of Jackson’s LinkedIn profile on Twitter.
It is important that we emphasize that the authorities haven’t confirmed the assumption made by online users that Jackson had been the attacker.
What is the cause of Robinson’s sudden death?
Online people believed the statements regarding Robinson’s suicide were vague. Internet users believe Shanquella’s death was caused in part by a group involving friends. The video of Jackson hitting Robinson just before Robinson dies supports this assertion.
Internet users demanded Robinson’s friends be imprisoned. Shanquella Robinson’s parents were notified that their daughter had passed away from excess alcohol consumption.
Daejhanae is described on her LinkedIn profile as an “aspiring medical professional” who attended Winston-Salem State University. Blue Rhino Greensboro, North Carolina is where she works, according to her profile. The company’s official website describes it as a brand that swaps propane tanks.
Jackson may be still employed by the company despite the negative attention she has received online and the popularity of her story.
What was Robinson’s mother’s story about her daughter’s death that she didn’t tell?
Robinson’s friend Khalil reported to Robinson’s parents Bernard & Salamondra that Robinson died from alcohol poisoning. Robinson did not die from the exact cause. This was confirmed by investigators when Robinson’s parents notified the FBI of their daughter’s unsolved death. Her Networth is also unknown.
Salamondra Robinson’s mom stated that she had found out her daughter’s fractured spine from the FBI. Robinson’s sister Quilla Long voiced her doubts over the circle. We are still investigating the circumstances of Shanquella Robinson’s death.
Quick Wiki
Daejhanae Jackson has been well-known, and she gained popularity following the death of Shanquella. Below are some facts about Daejhanae Jackson that can be found online through her LinkedIn profile.
- – Real Name- Daejhanae Jackson
- – Profession- Aspiring healthcare
- Age-Unknown
- Education- Winston Salem University
- Blue Rhino, Working for
- – Unknown birthplace and nationality
- Relationship – Unknown
- – Parents Bernard or Salamondra
Social media link:
- Twitter-
- Instagram-
- Reddit-
Daejhanae Jackson (a Blue Rhino Healthcare professional) was recently in the news after she attacked and killed Shanquella, her best friend. Online users shared the video clip where Jackson attacked Shanquella. You can view the footage of Daejhanae Jackson here.
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