A targeted advertising tool. SMS marketing is the distribution and delivery of text messages via a list of customer numbers. Because we rarely read all the SMS sent to our phones, it is unlikely that one of us won’t be interested in reading them. Smartphones are rarely lost, right?
Let’s look at the top advantages of SMS marketing in real-estate to see if it is worth considering for your business.
Text message marketing can greatly increase your real estate leads due to its ability to engage customers, keep their attention, and fusing text, images, gifs or videos with text. Why is SMS marketing for real estate investors so effective?
Text messages are simple to understand
Sending SMS messages is an essential function of all mobile phones, smart or otherwise. Because people already know how SMS works, you won’t need to learn much about using it in your real estate text marketing campaigns.
Consumers can also respond to your SMS faster because they always have their phone with them.
Marketing SMS offers a higher open-rate
Because text messages are typically opened in five minutes, potential clients receive information much faster. Because there are fewer marketing messages in people’s text messages than in their email inboxes they can quickly check the message when it arrives. It is easy for emails to get lost amongst a sea of marketing flyers, bills, and newsletters.
Text messages can be cost-effective
A SMS for real estate marketing costs less and generates more leads than if it is done via email or postal mail. If someone sees your advertisement, they will be more likely to text a short number to get additional information than to write a long email. After receiving the text message, you can quickly add their number to your contact list and make use of it for marketing.
SMS gives a personal touch
SMS can be used to communicate with real estate agents, even though it is less personal than email. We often receive text messages from family members, friends, and other people we consider important enough to have our number.
Text messaging also feels more natural than email. It’s much easier to communicate with text messages than email. You can search the conversation and find relevant real estate information.
SMS communication has fewer barriers
Spam accounts for at least 45% of all email sent. This is why people are reluctant to accept advertising in their inboxes. Spam filtering software is another option that people use to stop emails from reaching their recipients.
There is no barrier to entry with SMS for real estate marketing. You should not abuse this privilege as angry potential customers could still block your number.
The process can be automated
Another great aspect of real estate SMS marketing is that you don’t have to respond to every SMS. You can instead use a text marketing platform, or send an address to the SMS company. This will allow you to set up customized responses based on specific keywords and deliver the information faster. If they need pricing information, for instance, an automated text message may be already prepared.
Tips for agents who are interested in SMS marketing
- If you send promotional messages to everyone randomly, there’s a chance that you could become a spammer which subscribers will likely block. There is a fine line between intrusiveness and promotion. So, it’s important to not send SMS at night or in the morning.
- Sending too many SMS at once will not yield the desired results. It is best to stop sending SMS-mailing if you do not have an informative reason.
- Avoid spelling and grammar mistakes, and be very careful about what you write. It is best to limit the amount of characters you write.
- Why waste your time or budget on people who are not interested in your mailing list? You should think about ways subscribers can unsubscribe to SMS mailings. This can be done at the end, as a link.
What’s the catch?
The first SMS notification will be displayed on the screen. Your task is to get the subscriber to open the message after reading the first line. The text of the SMS must still inspire confidence as phishing attacks against users, particularly entrepreneurs, are becoming more common.
People still trust information that isn’t anonymous. Customers also appreciate a personal approach. If they feel that the agent is giving them care, their loyalty will only grow. This is why you should use text messaging marketing for real estate. We can give an example of a bank text message that includes your name. They will then provide a valuable and necessary service to you because they have analyzed your needs and known what you want.