Here you will find detailed information about Balasalle high online look. This can help you determine if it is a Balasalle. Top scam or trustworthy company. Let’s now see the Balasalle high rating.
Balasalle high was deemed suspicious by the following facts:
- Multiple scams and problematic sites have been found to be using the parent company “HARIO commerce CO. LIMITED”. You can find a list of websites that use HARIO commerce CO. by searching our restricted web site. It has changed its parent name to HARIO commerce CO. LIMITED. It may change its address or name in the future, as many sites use similar names.
- Its email address is “”, that could be a free address, however it doesn’t have a website.
- Numerous other details and themes on the website match multiple problematic websites.
- It’s difficult to find a social media icon which links to a business-related page. Sometimes, legitimate online retailers will supply icons for social media that link to their pages, groups or profiles on social networks. It should not broadcast social media.
- Many online retailers selling similar merchandise have customer complaints about product quality, delivery times and client service.
Balasalle High is an associate degree suspect on-line.
Below, you can leave comments about the company. This review will be shared via your social media accounts with your family and close friends in order to help them understand this online store.