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- website was registered on:It’s a very old site. It was registered over 20 years ago.
- Alexa RankingThe website Alexa ranking is #614871
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- Social Media Followings:Available
- Phone NumberIt’s available.
- Store Address:Contact address is available.
- Owner Details:Owner data have been verified.
- Privacy’s privacy policy is specified.
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- Are Customer’s Yellowshoes reviews available? Yes.
About Website, an online store that was established in 1998, has enjoyed a long and successful history of customer satisfaction. Every season, the website introduces new collaborations. This season, Sarah Couture is the collaborator. is the perfect choice for fashion-loving mothers and entrepreneurs. With trendy sneakers, you can match your style to your family. It also has a wide selection for girls and women of all ages. The vast selection of best shoes for your entire family can be found in one location.
Continue reading to find out if is a scam or legit. website’s details:
- Website is an internet shoe-selling shop.
- Types of Products:Fashion Boots, Running Shoes and Winter Boots, as well as Baby Shoes.
- Website created date23 November 1999
- Website Expiry Date:23rd Nov 2023
- Website’sURL Address:
- Email Id for Customer
- Customer Support Number:Toll Free 1 844 360 55982 or 51 448 5982
- Contact Address:Groupe Yellow inc. / Customer Service, 5680 rue St-Dominique Montreal, Quebec H2T 1V6, Canada
- Shipping Details Free standard shipping
Pros decide Is Yellowshoes Scam or Legit?
- is a valid HTTPS or SSL certificate.
- There are many products from each category on the website.
- charges shipping fees for orders below $70
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