Pedofilia Crime Ediondo (oct) What do you know about the pedophilia crime in Peru? 

What do you know about the pedophilia crime in Peru? Are you familiar with the recent case of pedophilia? Recent controversy in Brazil went viral. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro recently apologized for the “Pedophilia” controversy in a press conference.

But why did he suddenly apologise? The Pedofilia Criminal Ediondo article will explain exactly what happened. Let’s now get into the details.

Why did Jair Bolsonaro apologise?

It all began on 17/10/2022 when Senator Randolfe Rodrigues alleged Brazilian President Jair Bosonaro of allegedly encouraging pedophilia. Rodrigues said in an interview that Rodrigues had asked the Federal Supreme Court for an investigation into this matter.

Rodrigues is one the coordinators of Lula da Silva’s former president. Jair Bolsonaro’s critics accused him of being involved with a serious crime such as pedophilia.

Why did Jairbolsonaro opponents mention Pedofilia crime Hediondo?

Brazilian President Jair Bossonaro claimed that he visited Brazil’s poorest neighborhood last year, where he met up to four “pretty Venezuelan girls”. All of them were aged fourteen to fifteen.

Jair Bolsonaro noticed that their house had almost fifteen to twenty Venezuelan teenage girls. Jair Bolsonaro received a reply from the girls that they were getting ready for Saturday. People feel that Jair Bolsonaro shouldn’t use the phrase “pretty girl”

Many people are receiving the crime hediondo significado. They can smell what is going on. But, was Jair Bolsonaro a part of this crime?

Jair Bolsonaro spoke with the girls and suspected that they were involved in a sex business. This statement by Jair Bolsonaro became viral and was constantly criticized by his opponents on social media.

Jair Bolsonaro offered his apology for calling the girls “very pretty.” He asked for forgiveness if he had inadvertently hurt the feelings the Venezuelan girls. This concludes today’s Pedofilia Criminal Ediondo Article.

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