Sometimes in life, you must have come across some oral or dental issues. When you were a small or young kid, you must obtain it about the falling of milk teeth. Well, that is extremely normal and there is nothing to panic about it. The situation becomes worse when you have a knocked-out tooth after you are a grown-up. As long as your milk teeth fall it is considered completely a natural process. The moment you have a knocked-out tooth when you are an adult, you don’t do what to do next. You get anxious and end up with some natural remedies that worsen the situation.
If you are suffering from a knocked-out tooth, we have a solution for you. You have come to the right place as we will share the necessary information about dealing with a knocked-out tooth in this blog. Although there is a medical term for a knocked-out tooth people are not quite aware of it. That can be several reasons why your teeth can get knocked out. The kind of treatment your knocked out to teeth demand depends on how your teeth have been knocked out.
Since many of you are not aware of the process that you need to follow to treat a knocked-out tooth, we have come up with this blog. In this blog we will share with you information about the causes of a knocked-out tooth, its symptoms, treating a knocked-out tooth and many more. Therefore, without further delay, let’s get into the block straight away.
What is a knocked-out tooth?
Also called an avulsed tooth, you can call it a knocked out two twin the two with has dislodged completely from its socket. Having a knocked-out tooth is a severe dental emergency and requires immediate medical treatment. This is where most people go wrong. Whenever they have a knocked-out tooth, they start taking natural remedies at home. This does not heal the tooth and the socket. Instead, it was since this situation more.
Indeed, there are times when you do not get a dental clinic or a dentist immediately. At times like these, all you need to do is to try reinserting the knocked-out tooth in its original place. After you have a knocked-out tooth make sure to reach out for medical help within the first 30 minutes. The chance of success lies only if you reached out to a dentist or a dental clinic within 30 minutes to an hour.
In case you cannot reach out to a dentist or a dental clinic or a healthcare provider immediately, make sure to keep the tooth in either cell lines a solution or milk. Keep it dipped in the solution until you get the chance to see a dentist. Whenever there is a knocked-out tooth, the dentist at the dental clinic uses the process of reimplantation to reattach the tooth to its original position.
You will be surprised to know that more than 5 million American people have suffered from knocked-out teeth once in their lifetime. In most cases, the people who are at risk of experiencing avulsed teeth are kids between the age of 7 to 11 years. So, if you notice your child is suffering from a knocked-out tooth, take him to the dentist immediately.
Causes of tooth avulsion or knocked-out tooth
Before we get into the causes of a knocked-out tooth it is important to note that you need a significant amount of pressure or force to make sure that the tooth is knocked out of your mouth. Given below are the causes of knocked out or tooth avulsion:
- A sudden fall
- Bicycle accidents
- Sports injuries
- Assaults
- Traffic accidents
Although these are the very common causes of a knocked-out tooth, the kinds of sports that can lead to tooth aversion into the following:
- Rugby
- Football
- Skating
- Martial arts
- Lacrosse
- Hockey
Symptoms of an avulsed tooth
As we had already explained, tooth avulsion occurs when your tooth has been completely knocked out from its original place inside the mouth. So, when you have an avulsed tooth, no part of the tooth remains stuck in the gums. Two common symptoms of a knocked-out tooth include the following:
- Extreme pain in the mouth
- An unnecessary gap inside your mouth after your tooth is knocked out
The moment you lose your tooth you are sure to experience some bleeding. If the bleeding is severe, you can use a handkerchief or a washcloth on the socket to ensure that the bleeding stops gradually. Never take aspirin while you are bleeding as it can worsen the situation. To reduce the pain, you can rely on some over-the-counter medications.
How to treat a knocked-out tooth?
Many people have a dilemma as to whether they can treat a knocked-out tooth at home. Well, it is not always possible to reach out to a dental clinic or a dentist right after experiencing a knocked-out tooth. During such times, you have no other choice but to treat the knocked out with yourself first. To ensure that you undergo the best treatment for a knocked-out tooth, these are the steps that you need to follow:
Step 1
In the first step, you have to pick up the tooth from the Crown gently without causing harm to the underlying area. Make sure to avoid it touching the root as it can cause sensitivity and induce more bleeding.
Step 2
In the second step rinse your tooth with milk or water to remove all dirt. We recommend never using soap or any scrubber or a drying agent as this may disrupt the enamel of the tooth.
Step 3
In the third step take your tooth and place it back into the socket very gently. While placing start from the root first. Make sure to the tooth by the Crown and avoid touching the root completely.
Step 4
The fourth step is a crucial one. Here you need to take it take a handkerchief or a napkin or a gauge and place it in between your knocked-out tooth and the truth right below it. This will help to anchor the knocked-out tooth properly in place.
Step 5
The fifth and final step is to visit the dentist or the dental clinic as soon as possible.
Therefore, treating a knocked-out tooth at home is not a difficult task provided you know how to deal with it. Make sure to never swallow the teeth. Visiting the dentist as soon as possible is a must. So, whenever you have a knocked-out tooth visit your local emergency dentist in London.